ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ENDOOMER ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ENDOOM editing utility for DOOM v1.0.1 (c) 1994 Zink The Dink >:D [ZinkTD@aol.com] *********************************** INDEX ************************************ [1] : WHAT IS ENDOOMER? [1.1] : USAGE [1.2] : PRE-MADE ENDOOM FILES [2] : KEY COMMAND SUMMARY [3] : WHAT TO DO NEXT [4] : TROUBLE SHOOTING [4.1] : ENDOOMER won't start [4.2] : I Can Only Choose 8 colours when I'm in the BOX or DRAW mode [4.3] The Text Blink Thingy Is Annoying [4.4] Whenever I Try To Paste It Erases The Screen [5] : THE BASIC THEORY BEHIND THE ENDOOMER [5.1] : THE GUTS [5.2] : THE TEXT ATTRIBUTE [5.3] : PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER [5.4] : TROUBLE SHOOTING (AGAIN?) [6] : ADDITIONAL CREDIT [7] : REVISION HISTORY [8] : ONE FINAL WORD [1] : WHAT IS ENDOOMER? ****************************************************************************** ENDOOMER is used to edit ENDOOM data that is stored in a IWAD or PWAD. ENDOOM DATA, if you were not already aware, is used by DOOM to print colour text ending messages that appear on the screen when you quit DOOM. ENDOOMs are good to use if you want to give someone credit for the making of your WAD, and it's also a good place to put your Internet address so people know who to mail their comments to. (NOTE: if you want to know how the ENDOOM resource works, you might want to go on ahead to section [5]) This version is just a minor revision. The most noticable change is that there are now 'transparent' boxes. Refer to section [2] for how to use it. [1.1] : USAGE ENDOOMER is used like this: ENDOOMER [EndFile] The EndFile parameter is the name of a pre-made ENDOOM file (that usually has a suffix of .END) that is loaded at the start up. [1.2] : PRE-MADE ENDOOM FILES ENDOOMER comes with a whole bunch of .END files to give you some ideas to make your own ENDOOMs. Here's a list of them... TEMPLATE END SLIMY END MAZE END BARNEY END COMMAND END KNEEDEEP END EASY END MANIC END FIFI END CHEESE END SWASTIKA END MONDRIAN END URBNBETA END SONIC END JAS END The TEMPLATE one is good to use if you decide to make an ENDOOM from scratch. It has Id's credits already added to it, just to keep them happy. After all, where would we be without them? [2] : KEY COMMAND SUMMARY ****************************************************************************** Here's a brief summary of the key commands. You can also find these listed in the on-line help (press F1). F1 = Help F2 = Save current ENDOOM file F3 = Load an ENDOOM file ALT-C = Copy screen to clipboard ALT-V = Paste from clipboard to screen ALT-T = Toggle transparent boxes (they won't cover over the text) CTRL-C = Change the colour CTRL-K = Toggle text blink (If text doesn't blink, then it'll blink, if it does, then it won't blink) CTRL-T = Switch to text mode CTRL-D = Switch to draw mode CTRL-B = Switch to box mode ESC = Quit ENDOOMER If you find that any of these key commands are annoying or you think that I should change some of them, E-Mail me and tell me so. [3] : WHAT TO DO NEXT ****************************************************************************** After you finish your ENDOOM, you will probably want to install it on a pwad. This can be done with a program like DEU. Just type in the following... DEU > I ENDFILE.END ENDOOM (the pwad MUST be called ENDOOM or it won't work...) > Q DOOM -FILE ENDOOM.WAD OR, if you want to include your ENDOOM in a previously made level, type in This instead.... DEU > I ENDFILE.END ENDOOM (again, call it ENDOOM, or else...) > R ENDOOM.WAD > R YOURWAD.WAD > G NEWWAD.WAD > Q DOOM -FILE NEWWAD.WAD Then quit doom, and your ENDOOM should then appear!!! Also, for quick testing, if you just call your saved file ENDOOM.END, you can do the DOOM -FILE thingy and it still should show up. [4] : TROUBLE SHOOTING ****************************************************************************** If for some reason, something does not work right, then it looks like you're going to have to do a bit of trouble shooting (sigh). If you think you've found a bug in ENDOOMER, E-Mail me and describe the bug as best as you can. After all, this is a beta version, and, as with just about every beta version of a program that ever has and ever will exist, there are bound to be lot's of bugs!!! Well, here's a quick trouble shooting reference thing. If you still have a problem that can't be solved here, E-Mail me. I'll try to help! [4.1] ENDOOMER won't start There are a number of reasons why this may happen: a) You need a mouse! ENDOOMER won't run without a Microsoft compatible mouse (yet!). I'm working on a keyboard emulator, but I'm not having too much luck. b) You're typing the name of a file that can't be loaded at the startup. c) You don't have a colour monitor. If you can run DOOM on your machine, You shouldn't have any problems with this. [4.2] I Can Only Choose 8 colours when I'm in the BOX or DRAW mode That, unfortunately, is how the standard DOS text mode works. There are 16 foreground colours, and 8 background colours and then there's the blink. This is explained in more detail in section [5]. [4.3] The Text Blink Thingy Is Annoying Yes boys AND girls, it's sad but true. The Text Blink thingy is annoying. So, you may ask, It's annoying, so how do I use it? Well, how the text blink thingy works is when you turn it on by pressing CTRL-K, whatever you type over that doesn't blink will blink, and whatever you type over that does blink won't blink. I know It's very annoying, and I'm working on it to make it a bit better, but you'll just have to live with it for now :( [4.4] Whenever I Try To Paste It Erases The Screen Eeek! Make sure that you've copied something to the screen before you paste something to it! The clipboard is blank before you copy anything, so if you paste something, you end up getting a blank screen! I'm working on this one too. Just be careful!!! ****************************************************************************** [5] : THE BASIC THEORY BEHIND THE ENDOOMER (NOTE: If you are not interested in making your own ENDOOM editing program or you do not wish to know exactly how the ENDOOM works, I suggest that you skip on ahead to the next chapter and ignore this one. It could ruin your mind!!! But if you are interested, well, read on!) ****************************************************************************** [5.1] : THE GUTS If you opened up an ENDOOM with a text editor, you might see something like this: S^H^E^E^E^E^R^ ^HNENANRNTN NANTNTNANCNKN!N!N!N [etc, etc...] You may be wondering what the whole thing means. Let's look at the first two letters.. S^ <---- The second byte is what colour the first byte will be when it's | printed to the screen. In this case, the foreground colour will be | white, and the background colour will be purple. This is called the | Text Attribute byte. I'll explain this in more detail soon... | The first byte is printed to the screen... They both form a thing that I call a texel. You know, a 'text pixel'. This is basically how DOS text works. So, the ENDOOM is basically just raw DOS text. You'll notice too, that the ENDOOM is always 4000 bytes, the same size as the DOS text screen. [5.2] : THE TEXT ATTRIBUTE Like I said before, the second byte in the texel represents what colour the first byte will look like when it's printed to the screen. This is called the Text Attribute Byte. Here's a diagram of it: ** The Text Attribute Byte ** +128 +64 +32 +16 +8 +4 +2 +1 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | B | b | b | b | f | f | f | f | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bits 0-3 are for the foreground colour, bits 4-6 are for the background colour, bit 7 is for the text blink. The colours are simply standard DOS colours: 0 = BLACK 1 = BLUE 2 = GREEN 3 = CYAN 4 = RED 5 = MAGENTA 6 = BROWN 7 = WHITE 8 = GRAY 9 = LIGHT BLUE 10 = LIGHT GREEN 11 = LIGHT CYAN 12 = LIGHT RED 13 = LIGHT MAGENTA 14 = YELLOW 15 = BRIGHT WHITE You must remember, also, that the background colour can have only the up to 7 (WHITE) because it is only allocated 3 bits. The would be 4th one is used for the text blink. Thus 0 010 0001 = 00100001 = hex 21 = ASCII 33 = "!" = blue on green! If you're programming in C, you're in luck because it just so happens that there's a function, textattr, that does all this for you! Check your reference manual and you should find it. [5.3] : PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER After you figure out how the ENDOOM works, you have to put your knowledge together and create one. If you're making an ENDOOM in a text editor, well then you're in luck because I have compiled the following chart that has a number of text attribute values converted to ASCII so you can just look it up and print it to the file. It doesn't have all the colours, though. Just a few. After all, I'm not going to spend all my time trying to figure out what purple on purple would be in ASCII! But if you have discovered any other combinations, feel free to send them to me. Not that I'd need them, though... ** Sample Text Attribute Values Converted To ASCII Text ** Background Foreground Char. ASCII Colour Colour +----+-------+-----------+---------------+ |NULL| 0 | black | black | |  | 1 | black | blue | |  | 2 | black | green | |  | 3 | black | cyan | |  | 4 | black | red | |  | 5 | black | purple | |  | 6 | black | brown | | | 7 | black | white | |  | 8 | black | gray | |TAB | 9 | black | light blue | | ! | 33 | green | blue | | @ | 64 | red | black | | # | 35 | green | cyan | | $ | 36 | green | red | | % | 37 | green | purple | | ^ | 96 | purple | yellow | | * | 42 | green | light green | | & | 38 | green | brown | | ( | 40 | green | gray | | ) | 41 | green | light blue | | _ | 95 | purple | white | | + | 43 | green | light blue | | 1 | 49 | cyan | blue | | 2 | 50 | cyan | green | | 3 | 51 | cyan | cyan | | 4 | 52 | cyan | red | | 5 | 53 | cyan | purple | | 6 | 54 | cyan | brown | | 7 | 55 | cyan | light gray | | 8 | 56 | cyan | gray | | 9 | 57 | cyan | light blue | | 0 | 48 | cyan | black | | - | 45 | green | light purple | | = | 61 | cyan | light purple | | ` | 96 | brown | black | | ~ | 126 | gray | yellow | | \ | 92 | purple | pink | | / | 47 | green | white | | | | 124 | gray | pink | | : | 58 | cyan | light green | | ; | 59 | cyan | light cyan | | " | 34 | green | green | | ' | 39 | green | pink | | . | 46 | green | yellow | | ? | 63 | cyan | white | | < | 60 | cyan | pink | | > | 62 | cyan | yellow | | [ | 91 | purple | cyan | | ] | 93 | purple | light purple | | { | 123 | gray | light cyan | | } | 125 | gray | light purple | | O | 79 | red | white | | N | 78 | red | yellow | | K | 75 | red | cyan | +----+-------+-----------+---------------+ So basically, all you have to remember is that: (a) The ENDOOM should be 4000 bytes in size (4 k) (b) The ENDOOM is made up of 2000 'texels' (c) Texels are 2 bytes in size (d) The first byte in the texel is what is printed to the screen (e) The second byte in the text is what colour the first byte will be With this in mind, you should be able to create an ENDOOM without the help of ENDOOMER!!!!!!! [5.4] : TROUBLE SHOOTING What? I thought we just had a trouble shooting section!!! Well, fear not, because this one shall be brief. If you have any technical difficulties with constructing ENDOOMs, just E-Mail me and tell me your problem, and also include you ENDOOM if you can. It's a lot easier to just send me the thing and have me fix it than have you trying to make sense out of my meaningless writing! [6] : ADDITIONAL CREDIT ****************************************************************************** Yes, some people deserve some credit. After all ENDOOMER wouldn't be possible (or wouldn't be quite as good) without them. Id Software [help@idsoftware.com] Most of us people who are hopelessly addicted to DOOM would probably be lying in the gutter right now, if it wasn't for all the guys at Id software. Thanks Id!!! Matt Fell [matt.burnett@acebbs.com] The maker of the Unofficial DOOM specs. I'd still be trying to figure out what the colour byte was if it wasn't for Matt! Hank Leukart [hleukart@shell.portal.com] The creator of the Official DOOM FAQ. I don't know. I just think this guy deserves some credit. Maybe I'm just insane. I don't know. Me!!! [zinktd@aol.com] Okay, maybe I shouldn't thank myself, but I did the whole thing didn't I! I should get some credit!!! Fifi Fart Face [no address: Fifi is everywhere] Yes Fifi, someday you will be a god. Oh, and I couldn't forget my beta testers: Calvin and Hobbes(?) [Calvnhobs1@aol.com] Chris Howse [MrHowse@aol.com] Phil Longueuil [Phil0000@aol.com] Wesley Reiser [WesserR@aol.com] (Hmm. There seems to be a pattern forming here...) [7] : REVISION HISTORY ****************************************************************************** Here's a short revision history (not that you'd care, though) v0.1 : Yup, this was the first one. It was a total disaster. It was written entirely in Qbasic. Editing was very time consuming. You had to type things in just like they would be when they were printed to screen memory! This version really sucked. v0.2 : At last! I finally got Borland C++ 4.0 for my PC, so this version worked a lot better. Well, maybe not a lot better. Okay, it almost sucked as much as v0.1, but hey, It was written in C and it was about twice as fast as the first one. You must remember, there was a learning curve! >;) v0.3 : This version actually had a use! It could view ENDOOM files in full colour. It had a nice title screen too. v0.4 : Man, this one WAS a bug! Whenever I compiled the program, it would restart the computer! And if it didn't do that, I'd just get a "NULL POINTER ASSIGNMENT" error. I almost gave up completely because of this!!! v0.5 : Total revamping of the interface. I started with a clean slate. I finally started using make-shift text windows. In this version, you could edit an ENDOOM with relative ease. v0.6-0.9 : A whole bunch of minor revisions. I just kept changing things, and ENDOOMER just kept getting better. v1.0b : My beta version. Now some other people actually got to use it! v1.0 : A couple minor bug fixes and a few revisions in the docs made version 1.0. v1.0.1 : This version! Just a minor revision; corrected a few small bugs and added transparent boxes [8] : ONE FINAL WORD ****************************************************************************** Whew! That was a lot! I don't think I've ever written that much before in my life!! Anyway, make sure to E-Mail me and tell me what you think of this program. And if you have any ENDOOMs that you have made and are quite proud of, send them to me! I want to have the biggest ENDOOM collection in the entire world!!! Also, if you make a wad with an ENDOOM in it that was created by ENDOOMER, I would appreciate it if you just gave me a wee bit of credit in the documentation for your wad. Anyhow, just E-Mail me with your comments or ideas. The next version of ENDOOMER should have a line drawing tool, among other things. Until my next release, Happy ENDOOMING!!! Zink The Dink >:D [ZinkTD@aol.com] And Remember... ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __ |__|__ The Mind Is Fifi : Fifi Is Not The Mind. __|__| __| | | |__ ______________________________________________________________________________